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Trial Lawyer Prep

Aug 31, 2022

The client deposition has a significant amount of weight when it comes to deciding case value. However, one of the most common problems trial lawyers have is dealing with clients who resist preparing for deposition. 

These are clients who actively avoid giving time for preparation. Whether it's because of their work...

Aug 24, 2022

There are a lot of emotional landmines when it comes to premise liability cases. For instance, summary judgment is an issue in just about every premise liability case. A lot of lawyers have this mental shortcut that if they beat the summary judgment, then the case is going to settle. 

But in premise liability...

Aug 17, 2022

Losing a point with the jury is the last thing you want. At the end of the day, the jury will scrutinize your client more than anybody else in the room. So you want to bulletproof your client before they even get up on the stand. 

Compassion fatigue is not unusual in a world where we are constantly bombarded by...

Aug 10, 2022

In the frame set of focus groups, are you holding your case back? Sometimes, we live with our cases for years, before we can find any kind of resolution either through settlement or trial. Now, this creates a tunnel vision where we can put these blinders on. There are blind spots everywhere that we just can't see. And...

Aug 3, 2022

As trial lawyers, we live in our trial lawyer space for several hours each day. It even follows us sometimes at night and wakes us up because our brains have been rewired in law school and even further into practice. Along the way, we've picked up legalese and legal jargon that we use when we get together with other...